
High-Impact Fundraising Strategies by Donor Segments

November 20, 2024

10:45 am - 11:45 am |

With so many causes and organizations fighting for donors’ attention and engagement, having a more tailored approach to taking donors through the fundraising cycle can significantly improve the short-term campaign results, as well as the mid and long-term fundraising outcomes. Donors are just waiting for the right opportunity to be engaged — they just don’t know it yet.  This session will cover what fundraising leaders need to understand and apply to their development campaigns and strategies to motivate donors to contribute to both general operating funds and special projects.

Session Objectives:

  • Identify and understand donor behavior by demographic characteristics
  • Create a case for giving and philanthropic opportunities based on donor interests
  • Develop and deploy short, mid, and long-term donor engagement strategies by donor segments

Approved for one point in Category 1.B -Education of the CFRE International application for initial certification and/or recertification.

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Tom Hayashi, MS Ed, PhD, CFRE

Chief Capacity Building Officer, Center for Volunteer and Nonprofit Leadership

Dr. Tom Hayashi is the Chief Capacity Building Officer for the Center for Volunteer and Nonprofit Leadership. He is a Certified Fundraising Executive with over 27 years leading resource development strategies in partnership with key stakeholders for a variety of mission focused organizations with annual operating budgets of $3.5M to $50M per year.