Strategic Workforces
Reframe Your Game: Approaches to Turnover
November 18, 2024
10:45 am - 11:45 am |
The impact of understaffing can take both a physical and mental toll on employees which can lead to turnover. By creating a talent pipeline, growing from within, and providing unique opportunities for the team to participate and recharge, an organization can work to minimize the impact of understaffing and push for a future where the team’s foundation can withstand any challenge thrown their way.
Leaders from Grand Prairie Animal Services will show you four tactics they initiated to change their culture:
- Shift from temporarily placed to tenured personnel
- Reframing the burden of understaffing
- Strategic approaches to employee contribution
- Restructuring teams to create growth opportunities
Approved for one point in Category 1.B -Education of the CFRE International application for initial certification and/or recertification.
Lily Yap
Division Manager / Grand Prairie Animal Services